Our family is back to a little more settled routine and I can get back to this again! Eric's leg is doing very well. He's back to work and back to all of his old activities. Allysa and Alex are doing great! Getting big and really funny.

Alex has started sleeping in his "big boy bed" (which is really just his crib mattress on the floor). Apparently we were pretty spoiled when Allysa transitioned and she wouldn't leave her bed until we came to get her. He, on the other hand, will wake up at random times throughout the night/morning, go into the living room and play. And when he's feeling lonely, he'll just go wake up Allysa so she can play with him too. (There shouldn't be giggling coming from the hallway at 3AM). We thought "oh, we're smart - we'll just put some chairs in front of his door. That'll keep him in there." Ahhhh - NO! "ok, we'll put up a baby gate on his door." This only worked until Allysa showed him how it opened, and now he can do it himself. So aside from turning his doorknob around the other way and locking him in, we settled on a solution that seems to be working - wrap a chain around the unlocking mechanism on the gate. So far so good. Now instead of waking up at all hours of the night, around 6AM I'm greeted by "MAMA!! MOM!! MOOOMMM!! MAMAAA!!!" and when you go into the hallway, there he is sitting in his room on the other side of the gate with his pillow, his blankie, his stuffed animals, and all his toys surrounding him. "I done sleepin'. I wake up." But I'll take what I can get.

We're all looking forward to our House Family Vacation in a few weeks!

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