Well, we had a nice thanksgiving and got home early. The kids were taking a bath and playing in the tub. Suddenly we heard a lot of screaming. When we got in there and asked Allysa what was wrong you could barely make out her words through the screams ... "Poo Poo". That's right - Alex had pooped in the tub and brought bath time to an early end.

Check out the new Thanksgiving day photos on the Photo page

Allysa's quote for the day: "Mom, someday I'm gonna drive a new car when I get older. I get older in four minutes".
I was sitting here tonight working on christmas cards with Biggest Loser - Where are they now on in the background. When a contestant names Abby Rike comes on and started talking about how she lost her husband, her 5 yr old daughter, and 3 week old son in a car accident. So I went online to look up the book she had written and found this (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/42915175/ns/today-books/t/biggest-losers-journey-begins-after-four-tragic-words#.Ts25crLZeSo) excerpt from the book. Reading it, I was amazed that she's still functioning. I would be completely lost. So tonight, this thanksgiving, I'm
So I'm home for the second day with two pink-eye'd babies. But thanks to the wonder of prescriptions, hopefully it'll be the last. I'm also hoping that my grandma starts feeling better. Well, I know this is short, but its my first attempt at a blog post and the babies are awake now.